All information disclosed to us is confidential. This means I will not reveal anything about you, or let anyone know you are seeking assistance, unless I have the permission to do so. For young people this may include parents and guardians. However, all reasonable efforts are made to obtain the agreement of the young person to involve parents and/or guardians on an on-going basis.
Young people under the age of 16 years will need parental/caregiver consent unless special circumstances exist. Limits to confidentiality There are limits to confidentiality. I have to reveal information if I feel there is a clear danger to you or to someone else. Also, if I believe a young person is, or has been subject to neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse I am legally bound to report this to the appropriate authorities. Unregistered firearms must also be reported. Please be aware that all case notes can be subpoenaed for court purposes. Consultation From time to time, I may consult colleagues’ or supervisors regarding a case. In such cases, your identity will remain completely anonymous and confidentiality will be fully maintained. Electronic Communication Communication through email, texts, faxes, etc (which are part of the clinical records) can be relatively easily accessed by unauthorised people and hence can compromise the privacy and confidentiality of such communication. I will take reasonable precaution to protect your information when communicating with you electronically. Your rights as a client You will be fully informed about your health, wellbeing and treatment options. You can leave the service at any time. You can say NO to any treatment offered. You can choose to have someone else present during your appointments. Concerns or complaints If you have any concerns about the service, your safely or privacy please let me know. If you would like to make a formal complaint you are entitled to contact The Australian Counselling Association (Tel: +61 07 3356 4255, Here is our Child Safe Environments Compliance Statement. |